Thursday, February 4, 2010

So close I can taste it

I've been scarce around the internet lately for a couple of reasons, but the most exciting one is that I have been toiling away at my new manuscript and--get this--I'm days away from finishing yay yay yay!*

January has been Get 'Er Done Month over here, and I've had to rearrange my schedule to revolve around writing time rather than doing-something-else time. Friendships, both real life and digital, have suffered. Sorry 'bout that.

Tell me about your writing schedule.

*Only the first draft, that is, and it's a little (okay, a lot) thin. But work with me here.


Caroline Starr Rose said...

I'm overhauling an old manuscript on the advice of my agent. It's been a real struggle, and I'm one who loves revision.

All the best in wrapping up your own piece!

Janna Leadbetter said...

Go you! That's great. And I know what you mean - mine is thin, too. There's so much work to do! But it's exciting, and I'm eager to make it awesome. *fist bump*

Congrats, Wendy!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Good for you, that's the best feeling! I definitely back off on the blogging and twittering when I'm deep into writing or revisions (which, truth be told, is most of the time these days). I'm nearing the end of my 3rd round of revisions, and I'm starting to get a little antsy. However, I can't think of anything I'd rather do! (Besides music, of course!)

Just think, you'll get to sit back, pat yourself on the back for about five minutes, and then dive into the REAL work! (Ha! I know you love me, anyway.)

In all seriousness, congrats - it's always incredible when you fully give birth to the new baby. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Currently plugging away at my WIP. Not able to get too much done each day since the little ones are sick, but I am taking advantage of every moment I can get. Current daily word count is ~ 700. Bleh!

Allie said...

Oooh! That's awesome! So excited for you!!!!

Lisa Miles said...

How exciting! I'm just beginning my novel, but with a four year old I end up scribbling down notes here and there during the day.

Jennifer Walkup said...

Yay for being close to done! I write most nights. Kids go to bed at 7. I usually work for a few hours, depending on what point of novel I’m at. Good luck finishing!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

That's so awesome!

I wrote my first fiction of the year last night. It's only a page but I hope it gets my juices going. I've been writing non-fic for pay, so at least my time has been well spent.

I have no kind of schedule right now but I'm sure that will all change once I move.

Kristina said...

My first drafts are always thin! I'm not one of those people who writes huge first drafts they have to chop...

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

I always feel the impulse to type "The End" at the end of a draft. Even if it's horrible. It's just so satisfying.

Anonymous said...

Yay you! Can't wait to see the post "IT'S DONE!"

I used to have a more rigid writing schedule, minimum 2 hours a day, but now it's more like fit it in when I can... probably time to go back to rigidity based on my productivity (or lack thereof)

LuckyStar said...

As a former diary writer, my mother never once opened my diary or searched through my things. To this day, we have a wonderful relationship. I think trust between a mother and daughter is developed early on. I think it's great that you are respecting her privacy (even if she is only 8)