Thursday, October 29, 2009
Knee deep in it
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Netflix knows me better than my own mother
Great, I love funny movies. "Which one?" I asked.
"Write this down, honey...GRUMPY OLD MEN! IT'S HILARIOUS! HA!"
Huh. I pretended to write it down, what with her excitement and all, but...really, Mom? Grumpy Old Men sounds like something I'd LOVE? I'm thinking no. I mean, no offense to people who like men who are old and grumpy. As far as I know, I've been missing out on something amazing. But wow, I could not be less interested. I'll cut my mom a break, though, since I've done the same thing to her, several times. I was emphatic about recommending Slumdog Millionaire and she just has No. Interest.
I logged on to Netflix to fill my queue (not with Grumpy Old Men, mind you) and lo! I found that most everything on my home page was something I'd enjoy! The categories that apparently describe my tastes are:
Dramatic Movies Featuring a Strong Female Lead
Dark, Independent Dramas
Visually-striking Suspenseful Films
Critically-acclaimed Satires
Movies Starring Ewan McGregor
That last one made me laugh. But hey! Lots of stuff I'd watch, right there. How do they know me so well? I feel like we could be friends.
How about you? Describe your movie categories.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Theme Song
Friday, October 16, 2009
Dear McDonald's: Bite It
Monday, October 12, 2009
Show and Tell
Melia (Dee Garretson)
Ink (Tracey Martin):
Blond (Gretchen McNeil):
Tas (K.A. Stewart):
Sunna (Amy Bai)
Red (Bryn Greenwood)
(Regular followers, I know I'm off schedule this week. I've been a little ARGH-MAKE-IT-STOP busy with life stuff. I'll be back on sched Friday. I'm sure you've been up late worrying.)
Monday, October 5, 2009
I am not a chick
I hate the term because it's a form of contempt masquerading as hip lingo. Implicit in every use is the qualifier "only," even if the word is unspoken: "It's only a chick flick."
A film that supposedly appeals mainly to women can't be taken seriously because it's only a chick flick.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Book Reco: Sima's Undergarments for Women