Yesterday, my family took a trip to the American Museum of Natural History for about the gabillionth time. On a rainy Sunday, this is not the brightest idea unless you enjoy being run down by strollers, but my kids love it and I frankly couldn't think of anything better to do. This time, to mix things up a bit, we took sketch pads and a camera for art projects. That's them up top, sketching the fossil of a somethingosaurus.
I'm not much of an artist (to say the least), but I tried as well. Mine didn't turn out so great. More like a stick dinosaur with a fat head. But I'd been writing several hours per day for the past week, so using my brain in a different way was a relief. We came home, printed out our pictures, and arranged a collage that looked like we'd all dropped acid.
Fun, though. And afterwards, I had a breakthrough with one of my scenes I'm re-re-writing.
What do you do to get your brain unstuck?