I have some news percolating out there, but I'm not quite ready to announce it just yet. I know, I know...ohh, mysterious. In the meantime, enjoy some funnies:

This one is from YouTube. Warning: lots of naughty words. Not suitable for work. Or, at least, turn it down and hope your boss doesn't walk by.
No offense to my Snuggie-loving friends.
OMG! That is the best commercial EVER! Hilarious!
I can't wait to hear more about your news. btw, I linked to you today. :)
Wendy, Thanks for the cartoon and the video - I NEEDED a laugh today! And I'm waiting on pins and needles to hear about your good news...!
i see this commercial all the time... and have always thought, wtf?!
"...so creepy dads can lie in a seductive pose..." ROFL!
Alright, confession: I kind of wanted on of those.
Hmm...I wonder what the news could be. Anxiously awaiting. :o)
I'm hoping the news is the news I've been hoping to hear.
*fingers crossed*
And, yes, I AM a filthy blog lurker...
Dolores Haze
Rafael here:
Yeah, I'm not usually a fan of dogbert but there is plenty of hypocrasy for everyone in that chamber, and then some.
I forgot to mention - there's a pub crawl coming up in Chicago where everyone is going to wear those things. I really hope they post pictures someplace.
Love Dilbert & co! Can't wait to get the next installment to the cliff hanger!
Ha! A Snuggie pub crawl. I love it!
Can't wait, can't wait, can't waitm can't wait. Oh, and did I mention I can't wait? OK!
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