Friday, June 6, 2008

Something Else Before I'm Off

No matter what your political views are, and believe me, I don't care who you are voting for in November, this video should piss you off to no end. Chris Matthews is such a putz. And he has a turkey neck.


Anonymous said...

*head/desk* repeat, repeat, repeat.

Dolores, who now has a headache.

WendyCinNYC said...

God forbid you should mess up your hair or makeup banging your head like that, Dolores. Chris Matthews wouldn't approve.

Anonymous said...

My hair is always a mess. And I don't wear makeup. Does that mean that Matthews won't date me?

Doesn't seem like it.

Turns out I'm the winner.

WendyCinNYC said...

I think you're a *knockout*.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Darrell Hammond from SNL makes a better Chris Matthews than Chris Matthews does...

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Oh. My. God. I cannot believe people say these things on television and continue to have viewers! Grr. You're right, I'm pissed off.

I hope you're having a wonderful trip!

Sara Spock said...

I want to slap Tucker. Seriously. And Rudov? OMG. The Gloria Steinem quote really hit me. "Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that the armies of the status quo will treat her as something of a dirty joke... She will need her sisterhood."

Unknown said...

This is why I quit watching the news channels, because the vein in my forehead begins to throb, and threatens to burst out of my head so it can strangle so-called 'pundits'. Thank goodness for Yahoo news and BBC!

Elrena said...

Okay, now I have to bookmark this and come back when I'm on a computer with speakers....

WendyCinNYC said...

I don't know why I watch this stuff. It makes me crazy. I've sworn off MSNBC because they seem to be the worst about it.

So there! Harumph!

Anonymous said...

Holy freakin' hell. That was quite something to choke down. That was truly despicable.

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Outstanding video, thanks for posting it. I will have to head over to the website.

I think the education necessary for so many of the men is a long and arduous process, but an important one nonetheless. Also, I have always thought that the most insidious forms of racism and sexism are those which are institutionalized or defacto.

Spy Scribbler said...

Oh, man, this pisses me off.