Okay people. I did a bad thing. Karma bit me in the butt about it, too. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I...I cheated on my hairdresser.
I know! Terrible! But my long bangs had gone from "stylish" to "sheepdog" and I was away from the New York AND I have this Big FancyPants Party to go to next week and I just couldn't get to him in time. So just a trim from someone new would be okay, right? Follow the lines that are already there? How hard could it be?

This would be awesome if it were 1981.
Actually, it's way worse that ol' Joan's hair here. Picture the bangs much shorter. Nearly Mamie Eisenhower short, but with the all-over layers that look just amazing with my fine, flat hair. Yeah.

This is probably more accurate.
Bring it, Mrs. Brady.
So what do I do with this now? Curl it? Own it? Rock it?
What do you do with a bad situation?
I'd rock it until it grows out a bit and then rock it some more! lol Try the new look and jazz it up with some hair gel or spray mousse. It may grow on you while you're waiting for it to grow out. lol
Oh the humanity! My horrible haircut happened in London after spending three months in the wilds of a Scottish archaeological dig. I swear she was blind and whacked away at my curly fine hair until I left weeping. It took years to grow it out and most likely why it's down to my waist now.
I still have a twitch.
Shave it! Then claim you've done it in the name of world peace or something.
Skyraven--Rock on.
Stacey--Oh no! I can understand your fear of scissors.
Tawna--Now you're talking. That would look particularly great at the black tie fundraiser I'm attending. Woot!
Cry. Or like Tawna said, pull a Sinead O'Connor.
Find a gorgeous hat. Hats are 'in' now aren't they?
Lucky for you - Easter hats are in ;)
My hair is long only so I don't have to deal with cuts. Not sure if I'm just that cheap or just really miss my hairdresser on Maui...
Hope it grows quick. Take extra B! :)
I would call my regular stylst ASAP and book a fix-it cut. You might very well end up with something much shorter than what you are used to, but this is your chance for a big change and to pretend it was YOUR IDEA. Plus, she might actually be able to make it look great. More importantly, she will cut it so that it grows back nicely.
And, yes, I made one really had haircut decision in college. I really don't know what I was thinking. It grows back.
You naughty thing.
Get a simple, classy little clip and pin them to the side. You could even use a bobby pin that's colored close to your hair, so it's less obvious. I realize that sounds little girl-y, but if you play with it, you might make it work.
I'm with Janna; a fancy little sparkle clip should do the job. I bet it's not really as bad as you think it is, but even if it's full-on hideous it's just hair. It grows back. Have fun at your event.
I cheat on my hairdresser all the time. Not because I really want to, but I've been forced to. I feel bad every time. I really want to settle down. I just haven't found the right one. I mean, it is a big decision!
Debbie--If crying kickstarted hair growth, I'd be bawling all day.
JLC--Ooh, or a do rag. That could be interesting.
June--Think I could get away with wearing an Easter hat all next week? Hmmm.
Robin--I'll probably end up doing that, but he's not in until the middle of next week. Boo.
Janna--Good idea. I've been pulling it back with a headband, but that look can last only so long.
Gretchen--Sparkle clip. Check.
Captain and Crew--It IS a big decision. I finally find a hairdresser who treats me right and what do I do? Cheat on him.
I say post a picture to show us!:)
Jennifer--Hmm, let me think.
Ah, NO.
Funny...I like your tone...thanks for sharing...Ron
Oh, don't worry! They do magic with hairs these days! Why not get extensions?
I had something even worse happen once. I thought curly hair would look "kicky," and would be easy-care on a long trip hubs and I had planned. Got myself a perm. Suffice it to say I was wrong about the kicky and easy (think Brillo).
I handled it with tears and booze. Lots and lots of booze.
Ron--Thanks for visiting!
Purple Cow--I never thought of extensions. Hmm, I wonder if that would work on my hair?
Linda G.--Poor you! Brillo pads are NOT for the head.
Moonrat--If I spiked it, it would look very much like the dreaded mullet. Trust me on this.
Oh no! I've been needing to find a hairdresser and just had one recommended, but I've had bad experiences in the past and I'm ascared.
I say rock the look. If you act like you hate it everyone will know, but if you act like you just wanted a change people will like it.
I hope.
I just read the comments and third the bobby pin/clip idea. I do that a lot and it's amazing how much it can change your look.
I'd wear a headband if I had that problem.
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