Over the weekend, my dear (and, up to this point, virtual) friend Cindy Pon was in town and I hosted a book signing for her in my apartment. I had about 16 or so people over for coffee, mimosas, and many, many sweets. "What?" you might be saying, "You let a bunch of strangers into your house for a PARTY? Are you nuts?"
Possibly. But that's a different issue. Cindy couldn't book an official signing, being it Rosh Hashanah and all. She asked about coffee shops that might be fun, but the problem with coffee shops in New York is that very few look like Central Perk and they are ALWAYS full of people. Full. And my apartment is not. So. Come on over!
And it was worth it. I met a bunch of Absolute Write friends, who weren't exactly strangers, since I know so much about them (but yeah, still kinda, since I didn't know what they looked like. Turns out Lara is NOT a smoking teddy bear. She looks like this):

She's the woman in the middle. Not even a little bear-like!
Some of Cindy's other writerly and arty friends came as well. Such fun. A veritable salon. Of course, I think that any group of people gathered together talking about subjects other than a) children, b) the stock market, or c) travel plans is some sort of great intellectual exchange. Really, my standards are low. Still, books were discussed.
Lawrence Wong was nice enough to take these pictures, plus many others, including some great shots of my dog. Thanks!
Awesome! And so swanky a get-together. ;) Glad you guys had a great time!
Thanks, Janna! It was great fun.
Great pictures Wendy. I hope you all had fun. :)
OMG - I wish I could have been there! And your apartment looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing.;-)
LOL! You're too funny... you outed me as not being a pink bear!
That was really fun and it was so sweet of you to host.
Wendy, what a great idea! That's wonderful you could do that for Cindy and get to meet friends at the same time.
Your apartment is fabulous!
i had such fun, wendy! agent bill and i were chatting and touched on generosity of human spirit and i talked about you! both he and my editor thought it was stupendous you opened your home so kindly. and larry took wonderful fotos. def a highlight of my visit! THANK YOU!! xo
You look smoking HOT in that outfit! Grrr!!!!!!!!
How awesome! I'm glad Lara is not really a smoking bear, that would be weird!! Glad it was such a good time!
xoxo -- Hilary
It was a great get-together, and in such beautiful surroundings! Thanks, Wendy :)
Thanks, everyone. Especially AC, who liked my hot outfit. ;-)
Oh wait, unless you were talking about Cindy. In which case, I agree.
you def looked smokin' hot!! loved your outfit and the boots made it!
Fantastic event! Wendy was definately the hostess with the mostest. :D So glad to finally meet the fellow Purgies along with some other great people.
Oh wow! That's so cool! Looks like a great time!
Wonderful! How neat to meet up w/our "virtual" writing friends. Very generous of you to open your--beautiful--home.
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