But I promise you I *did* actually show up for my lesson even though I was terrified to do so. And I tried it not once, but THREE --count 'em-- THREE times. Even though I almost took out an entire class of four-year-olds, nearly broke off my legs on the chair lift, and fell down while I was just standing there, I still had a pretty good time.
You probably guessed from my silence that I didn't take my laptop with me. Nor did I do a lick of writing, or even check my BlackBerry (well, not more than once per day.) I just enjoyed my family and the time away from the city.
We even saw some fireworks on New Year's Eve:

But ah, it's good to be back.
Did you have a nice New Year's?
Yay! It's so good to have you back. I'm glad you and your family had a good time. *snicker* But I shouldn't laugh too much, because I'd have been riding the Buckaroo Express with you. And then, yeah, the falling down.
Welcome back! How well I remember those learn-to-ski days. They're ingrained in my memory. Oy, that bunny slope, snowplowing, falling. Do they still use a T-Bar on the beginner slopes? Didn't you just ache at the end of the day? I used muscles I didn't know I had.
Happy New Year to you, much happy writing wishes!
Thanks Janna and Joanne!
At the top of the Buckaroo Express, there was even a guy dressed up as a cowboy with a ten-gallon hat skiing with all the kiddies. And me. Yee-haw.
No t-bar, but I *did* ride the "magic carpet," which was just a conveyor belt that took you sloooooowly up the incline.
Ah skiing! A great sport...to watch....
Happy New Year and happy birthday! Mad props for learning how to ski as an adult. Very impressive.
Missed your voice and glad the vaca was a good one. Also good you got a chance to totally unplug...now git back to writing! LOL
I love skiing. Correction: I loved skiing. I learned how to ski in the 8th grade in Aspen. Of course, when you learn to ski in Aspen, everything else pales in comparison. Good for you for tackling the big, bad, bunny hill. And, happy belated birthday!
The reason I don't ski anymore? I have a bad back. Why do I have a bad back? Some woman who'd clearly never skied before in her life and didn't have the decency to stick to the bunny hill, leveled me on the ski slope at Arapahoe Basin about twelve years ago. It's not only the snow boarders you have to watch out for...
Welcome back Wendy! I'm proud of you for going through with the lessons. :)
Welcome back! And our new years was like every other day, with a bit of clearance shopping! It was nice and relaxing for the most part. Love the snow! Won't get any until march, if at all. Crazy Texas.
I've given skiing a few college tries,too and never graduated from the "snow plow." And getting off the lift?? They usually have to stop it because I fall off. It's such a joke. But tubing...that's another story. Lots of fun. Do they have tubing runs in Beaver Creek? They have some great ones at Copper Mnt. Welcome home!
NYE was lovely here. And no snow here for us...ever. Maybe once every couple of years, and even then only an inch or two.
Skiing is actually a lot of fun. The best way to get off the lift is get your butt to the very edge and simply stand up when you're at the top. The lift will just gently push you off. Since learning that tecnique, I've only fallen once.
My new years eve was spent at work. Gotta love working at a 24/7 operation.
Glad you had a good time! Welcome back.
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