Often amidst all the cutting and slashing and rewriting, I hit a creative snag -- when that happens, I take a walk around the neighborhood. Creature of habit that I am, it's generally on the same circuit. Join me, won't you?

Despite the Neue Gallery standing steps from my apartment, I've never actually seen the collection. Pathetic, right? Philistine. Nice restaurant inside, though. I'm all about eating.

I love the entrance to this building. They have a gorgeous garden in the back, but right now it's filled with ugly construction equipment and wasn't worth taking a photo.
When I tell people I live in NYC, I think most picture a crazy-busy Times Square neighborhood. There isn't anything noteworthy about these pictures except that, hey, not so many people, right?
Tell me about your neighborhood. Or about how you deal with creative snags. Your choice.
Why do I have this image of Eddie Murphy stuck in my head?
GORGEOUS neighborhood! It makes me proud to be a native New Yorker. ;-) And, best of luck with the revisions. Keep us posted. Go Wendy! (BTW: Is this the same book you were working on at the Algonkian conf?)
I have only been lucky enough to visit your city once and I am in love with it. I can only have seen the smallest piece of it, the weather was great, December the first and we did the tourist thing on the top of an open topped bus!!!!last day it snowed, proper snow brilliant. Good luck with the rewrite
My daughter is a student at the New School in the City. Loves it there. Thanks for a look at your town.
Rafael--LOL I actually had to think about that one for a second. Duh.
Debbie--Thanks! Yes, same book. I stopped querying for a while.
lyzzydee--If you were on the uptown loop on the double-decker bus, you might have passed me.
Debra--Glad she's liking it here. What a fun place to be a college student!
Hi Wendy,
Thanks for the trip around the block; I hope it cleared the cobwebs.
I have started going online when I hit snags, but it is becoming problematic as I sometimes spend too much time here.
This is the fun part of MTMs... seeing what others consider their town and what they feel like sharing on any particular day, or Monday.
Nice shots. When I get bogged down on the WIP, I'll switch to a different project or blog hop. Rewriting---ain't it fun?
Wow, love your neighbourhood! I think the Guggenheim is one of the neatest buildings in recent history and I would love to go and see it. Good luck with the rewrite.
I think a walk works for me. Or else a trip to the gym. Or else trying to do something completely different so that I'm not focused on the ms. Fingers crossed that the agent loves this revision!
I love these pictures! My neighborhood isn't quite as scenic, but I do keep telling myself I'll need to do a photo tour before we leave.
When I hit a creative snag, perusing writing books seems to help. Good luck with the revisions!
I added you to the MTM gang again. Enjoyed the look around your neighborhood.
Sepiru Chris--Time seems to get away from me when I'm online. I can't seem to just check one site to clear my head.
Angie--Oh yes, rewriting is super fun. Not.
Reb--The Guggenhiem is very cool on the inside as well, especially when they have something huge hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the spiral.
Barrie--The gym works, too, but I *hate* to work out. Still, it's good for clearing the mind.
Melanie--I love when you post pictures. Seems very scenic to me.
Travis--I noticed the increased traffic. Thanks!
I love NYC. Thanks for sharing your pics. And congrats on getting an agent to ask for some rewrites. That's half the battle as far as I'm concerned. I love revising, but when I get bogged down w/my novel, I work on short stories.
The love the City. I'm lucky enough to live outside of NYC so I get to enjoy all that it has to offer.
Love my Broadway shows!
Wow, you live in a great neighborhood, not like my boring suburban one. I've always found walking to be a good way to boost the creative juices. Good luck with your revisions.
Amy--I love working on short stories as well.
AC--Hey there, neighbor!
Linda--Thanks. I think downtown is much more cool and youthful, but uptown has its good points as well.
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