Saturday, July 17, 2010

Things I learned in Alabama

You'll find pretty things down country roads.

Someone told me to "drive up there on a HEEL (hill?) and look daauuwn (down?)"
So I did.

Fried pickles (yum), fried okra, fried chicken, and deep fried peanuts "so good, you can eat 'em SHELL-N'ALL."

Piggly Wiggly!

Five New York girls and two New York boys will have a fantastic time at SPACE CAMP.

Two moms will drink a lot.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I haven't died

Just drowning under pages of revisions (which I actually like to tackle. I know! Weirdo.) and dealing with kid and life commitments. In the meantime, check out Lisa Brackmann's NYT Book Review! I've recently started reading ROCK PAPER TIGER and it's great so far. I hope you sell piles and piles of books, Lisa!

Any good/bad news on your end?